Contact us

Department of Biomedicine
Hebelstrasse 3 (for visitors)
Hebelstrasse 20 (for mail)
CH-4031 Basel
Phone: +41 61 207 64 78
Operational Communication Team (OCT)
The Communications Team consists of the following persons:
- Xiomara Banholzer (Head of Communications)
- Chesa Cuan (Support Communications)
- Natalie Kohler (Support Communications)
Communications and Outreach Ressort (COR)
The Communications and Outreach Committee is the organ that is responsible for the communication strategy, concepts and measures.
The Committee is led by Prof. Tania Rinaldi Barkat and consists of the following members:
- Prof. Tania Rinaldi Barkat (lead)
- Prof. Andrea Banfi
- Prof. Carolyn King
- Prof. Anne-Katrin Pröbstel
- Prof. Heinz Läubli