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Center of Excellence for DBM microscopy facility in collaboration with Nikon (Abanto/Lorentz Core Facility, Microscopy)

Established just 15 years ago, the DBM core microscopy facility has since grown into an outstanding microscopy facility, providing DBM researchers with cutting edge microscopes, service and analysis.
What is a NCofE?
Centers of Excellence are collaborations between Nikon and elite universities around the world, including Harvard Medical School, The Scripps Research Institute, Hokkaido University, Karolinska Institute and more.
The goal is to push the limits of what is possible and advance the science and microscopy behind the collaboration.
Why did the DBM and Nikon enter into this collaboration?
Nikon select NCofEs because the partner universities have specific research expertise as well as specific technical microscopy expertise. The DBM is special in that clinicians and researchers work side by side, so there are many amazing bench to bedside research opportunities that contribute to its translational reputation internationally. The DBM microscopy facility not only has cutting edge microscopes and excellent staff, they are also leaders of automation using Nikon’s programming interface called JOBS. That’s why Nikon chose us for our translational research focus as well as our experience in JOBS programming. In return, the DBM and its microscopy facility also chose to work together because Nikon is a world-class research microscope company with whom we already collaborated with on many successful projects. So NCofE felt like the logical extension of an already existing collaboration and a great opportunity.
What does this mean for users of the DBM microscopy facility?
This exciting collaboration with Nikon offers many great benefits. We will have early access to new technologies. We expect even more collaboration, which will lead to more and better support for the users. And we have had feedback from some of our users who are excited to be part of Nikon’s social media stream - Nikon will posting or tweeting publications that come from our collaboration at the DBM-Nikon Center of Excellence.