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ERC Consolidator Grant for Prof. Dr. Carolyn King


The European Research Council (ERC) awards four researchers from the University of Basel with one of the coveted ERC Consolidator Grants. The projects in the fields of cell biology, physics, immunology and chemistry will each receive around two million euros in funding.

Long-lasting protection against lung infections

Tuberculosis claims more lives than any other infectious disease. It is known that CD4 T cells play a central role in the immune response to tuberculosis, but efforts to target these cells has not yet delivered a successful vaccine candidate. Currently, the only vaccine in use is 100 years old.

Professor Carolyn King from the Department of Biomedicine at the University of Basel is taking a more holistic approach in her research. Her work suggests that CD4 T cells that interact with B cells in the lungs have a better chance of providing long-lasting protection against lung infections. In her project, the immunologist aims to establish a new, complementary perspective on TB, using pioneering new technology to elucidate the function that antibodies and tissue-resident B cells play in infection.  

Carolyn King joined the University of Basel’s Department of Biomedicine in 2016 as an SNSF Professor. From October 2022, she will continue her research as a professor at the University of Lausanne.

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