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The 2023 Cloëtta Prize will be awarded to the esteemed scientist Prof. Dr. Christoph Hess from Basel

Professor Dr. Christoph Hess, a prominent figure in the field of immunology, has been chosen as the recipient of the 2023 Cloëtta Prize.
This prestigious award, given annually by the Prof. Dr. Max Cloëtta Foundation, recognizes individuals, both Swiss and international, who have made exceptional contributions to specific areas of medical research.
His main research area is immunometabolism. Specifically, he is investigating translational aspects of lymphocyte function and its metabolic basis. The goal of his work is to understand patients suffering from disorders of immunometabolic regulation.
We warmly congratulate Christoph on this remarkable achievement and look forward to the festive award ceremony scheduled for November 24, 2023, at 5 pm at the ZLF of the University of Basel.
Please register your attendance via this link.