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Welcome to the Team – Andreas Keller Lab!

Andreas Keller has been appointed Professor of Physiology at the University of Basel and has officially joined the Department of Biomedicine in August.
How are new memories integrated in cortical circuits? In sensory cortex, new memories influence how stimuli are processed. It is increasingly clear that sensory processing is based on two interacting pathways – feedforward and feedback circuits. How these pathways are updated while maintaining normal brain function remains unclear. While it is clear that global brain-state changes, e.g. due to neuromodulation or sleep, are necessary for memory integration, it still remains elusive why we have different neuromodulators or different sleep stages. His laboratory proposes a testable network hypothesis for why we need different neuromodulators and sleep stages, and how these affect the two main processing pathways. In conclusion, his research will provide insights into the mechanism that reshape neuronal circuits upon the integration of new memories.