

/ News, Research

PROX1 Maintains Hepatocyte Identity and Prevents Liver Cancer by Suppressing Cell Fate Plasticity (Zaugg Lab)

A groundbreaking study co-led by postdoctoral researcher Aryan Kamal of the Zaugg lab, affiliated with the EMBL in Heidelberg and our Department of Biomedicine, in collaboration with Bryce Lim in Moritz Mall’s labat the German Cancer…

/ News, Research

Durable Lymphocyte Subset Elimination to Decipher Immune Control of Chronic Viral Infection (Pinschewer lab)

In her recently published work, Anna Lena Kastner and colleagues have developed a novel tool to durably eliminate lymphocyte subsets in mice, and have used this tool to decipher how antibody-producing B cells and cytotoxic T cells cooperate…
New Approach to Treat Patients with Checkpoint Inhibitor-induced Adverse Events (Apostolova Lab)

/ News, Research

New Approach to Treat Patients with Checkpoint Inhibitor-induced Adverse Events (Apostolova Lab)

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI), such as anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA4 antibodies, enhance anti-cancer immunity and are a potent treatment for several types of cancer. However, overt activation of the immune system can also cause severe…
New Findings on Immune Dysfunction and Lymphoma Risk (Binder Lab)

/ News, Research

New Findings on Immune Dysfunction and Lymphoma Risk (Binder Lab)

Lymphocytes are essential for health, but when they malfunction, they can cause immune deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, or cancer. Autoimmune disorders and certain blood cancers, such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, share similar disease…
DBM Newsletter Issue 09

Department of Biomedicine Newsletter No. 9

We are pleased to announce the release of the ninth edition of our DBM Newsletter. We hope you enjoy reading it!