
DBM Newsletter Issue 09

Department of Biomedicine Newsletter No. 9

We are pleased to announce the release of the ninth edition of our DBM Newsletter. We hope you enjoy reading it!
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/ News, Research

Exploring the Impact of Drugs on Cellular Metabolism (Zampieri Lab)

Researchers in Mattia Zampieri's Systems Pharmacology and Biology of Metabolism lab have developed a novel method to study how thousands of active compounds simultaneously affect cellular metabolism. This approach offers new insights into…

/ News, People

Two SNSF Advanced Grants for the Department of Biomedicine

Cancer researcher Prof. Dr. Mohamed Bentires-Alj and diabetes researcher Prof. Dr. Marc Donath have each been awarded one of the highly competitive grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Both projects address socially…
CD52-stabilization as a potential target for immunotherapy in liver cirrhosis. (Symbolic image: ChatGPT)

/ News, Research

Unveiling CD52 on monocytes: A New Frontier in Combating Immune Dysfunction in Cirrhosis (Bernsmeier Lab)

The Department of Biomedicine (DBM) is pleased to announce an important new study led by Anne Geng, under the supervision of Christine Bernsmeier, in collaboration with researchers at the University Hospital Basel and colleagues in St.…
Swiss Cancer Research and League

/ News, Research

Advancing Cancer Research: Our Scientists Secure Prestigious Grant for Groundbreaking Project

The Swiss Cancer Research Foundation and the Swiss Cancer League have recently announced the recipients of their latest funding round, awarding grants to 55 outstanding research projects in various categories. We are proud to announce that…