
/ News, People
Prof. Dr. Anne-Katrin Pröbstel receives the Swiss Immunology Early Career Award 2023
Prof. Dr. Anne-Katrin Pröbstel, senior physician in the Department of Neurology and Research Group Leader at the Departments of Biomedicine and Clinical Research, was awarded with the Swiss Immunology Early Career Award 2023. The Swiss…
/ News, Research
Possible biomarker of MS-like autoimmune disease discovered (Pröbstel Lab)
It has been known for several years that the diagnosis “multiple sclerosis” conceals a whole range of different illnesses, each requiring customized treatment. Researchers at the University of Basel and the University Hospital of Basel have…
/ Research, Studies
Study increases precision of assessment of nerve damage in children (Kuhle Lab)
International research collaboration defines age-specific reference range for blood neurofilament light chain in pediatric health
/ Research, Studies
Fighting brain cancer (Hutter Lab)
Glioblastomas are among the most aggressive kinds of brain tumors. Even immunotherapy treatments that have proved effective against other cancers seem to be powerless against them. Researchers at the University of Basel and University…