

/ News, Research

Getting Closer to Understanding Sudden Cardiac Death (Spindler Lab and Kuster Lab)

The heart disease arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy can lead to sudden death, particularly affecting young athletes. Researchers at the University of Basel have now genetically modified mice, which develop a similar disease to that found in…
Ribbon Cutting

/ News, Research, Events, People

Latest high-tech microscopes for the Department of Biomedicine

Nikon has selected the Department of Biomedicine’s microscopy facility as its first “Center of Excellence” in Switzerland. There are only a few of these centers in the world, including one at Harvard. Co-director of the facility Pascal…
Cutting Band

/ News, Research, Studies, Events, People

Center of Excellence for DBM microscopy facility in collaboration with Nikon (Abanto/Lorentz Core Facility, Microscopy)

Established just 15 years ago, the DBM core microscopy facility has since grown into an outstanding microscopy facility, providing DBM researchers with cutting edge microscopes, service and analysis.
Titelpage Newsletter

Department of Biomedicine Newsletter No. 2

We are very happy to present the second issue of the DBM newsletter. We wish you a pleasant and enjoyable reading.

/ News, Research

Researchers turn cancer cells into less harmful cell types (Bentires-Alj Lab)

Cancer cells resemble stem cells in being extremely adaptable. University of Basel researchers have identified compounds that artificially mature breast cancer cells of the highly aggressive triple negative subtype and convert them to a…