Selected Publications
Sedlmayer F*, Woischnig AK*, Unterreiner V, Fuchs F, Baeschlin D, Khanna N*, Fussenegger M*. 5-Fluorouracil blocks quorum-sensing of biofilm-embedded methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in mice. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Apr 15:gkab251 *Contributed equally to the work.
Wüthrich D, Cuénod A, Hinic V, Morgenstern M, KhannaN, Egli A, Kuehl R (2019). Genomic characterization of inpatient evolution of MRSA resistant to daptomycin, vancomycin and ceftaroline. J Antimicrob Chemother, 74(5):1452–1454.
Liu Y, Bai P, Woischnig AK, Charpin-El-Hamri G, Ye H, Folcher M, Xie M, Khanna N*, Fussenegger M* (2018). Immunomimetic designer cells protect mice from MRSA infection. Cell., 174(2):259–270.e11.
Schürmann N, Forrer P, Casse O, Li J, Felmy B, Burgener AV, Ehrenfeuchter N, Hardt WD, Recher M, Hess C,Tschan-Plessl A, Khanna N, Bumann D (2017). Myeloperoxidasetargets oxidative host attacks to Salmonella and prevents collateral tissue damage. Nat Microbiol., 2:16268.
Stuehler C, Bernardini C, Elzi L, Stoeckle M, Zimmerli S, Furrer HJ, Gunthard H, Leibundgut- Landmann S, Battegay M and Khanna N (2016). Immune recovery in HIV-infected patients after Candida esophagitis is impaired despite long-term antiretroviral therapy. AIDS, 30(12):1923–33.