Seminar Room 2nd Floor, ZLF, Hebelstrasse 20, 4031 Basel
Host: Magdalena Filipowicz Sinnreich and Liver Immunology Lab
Guest Speaker: Prof. Paul Klenerman - Truelove Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Oxford
As the UBICO retreat has been cancelled, we look forward to welcoming many of you to this exciting seminar.
Paul Klenerman trained in medicine at Cambridge and Oxford and specialised in infectious diseases. He has been funded mainly by the Wellcome, initially working on HIV with Andrew McMichael and Rodney Phillips, then with Rolf Zinkernagel and Hans Hengartner in Zurich on LCMV and returning to Oxford to set up studies on T cells in chronic infections such as HCV and CMV. His group have worked on vaccines, especially adenoviral vector vaccines and the types of memory induced, including memory inflation. He currently carries out studies looking at unconventional T cells such as MAIT cells in infectious diseases and cancer.
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