13 Jun 2019
12:00  - 15:00

ZLF, Seminar room 2nd floor, Hebelstrasse 20, 4031 Basel

Informational event

Grants for future Group Leaders

12:00 Doors opening - sandwich lunch 13:00 Welcome - Prof. Torsten Schwede, Vice President for Research, University of Basel 13:05 Funding Schemes from the SNSF: Ambizione, Prima & Eccellenza - Julia Cahenzli Jenkins, SNSF 13:40 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Post-Doctoral Fellowships - Sibylla Martinelli, Euresearch Network Office, Bern 14:00 European Research Council Grants - Véronique Sordet, Euresearch Network Office, Bern 14:20 Successful Grant Application from a grantees view point - Prof. Sebastian Hiller, SNF Prof, ERC Grantee - Biozentrum, University of Basel 14:40 Questions and Answers

Grants for future Group Leaders

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