09 May 2019
17:00  - 19:00

Informational event

Information event on Horizon2020 and NIH funding opportunities


17:00    Welcome message

Prof Christ-Crain, Head of Department of Clinical Research, University of Basel

17:05    Horizon 2020 – Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing

Overview of funding opportunities for collaborative projects in the areas of digital diagnostics, innovative health and care systems, non-communicable disease, e-Health

Dr Sasha Hugentobler, National Contact Point, Euresearch Network Office, Bern

17:45   Horizon 2020 project “BIOCHIP” (Bioengineered grafts for cartilage healing in patients)

Co-ordinator of a multicentre phase II clinical trial project financed by Horizon 2020

Prof Ivan Martin, Dept. Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel/University Basel  

Further Funding opportunities

18:15   Funding opportunities from the NIH (US National Institute of Health)

Dr Luca Wacker, Grants Office, University of Basel

18:30  Open Topic Funding from Horizon 2020 - European Research Council Grants,

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships and other funding opportunities

Research Professional – funding database for researchers at the University of Basel

Dr Eve Silfverberg, Grants Office, University of Basel

18:45 Questions & Discussion

19:00 Apéro

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