Personal Integrity

“Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.”
C. S. Lewis
The Department of Biomedicine (DBM) is committed to an educational, research and work climate that ensures the protection of personal integrity and is free from discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment. In order to successfully function as a place of academic teaching, research and effective and efficient services, it is essential that the members of the department community be treated with consideration, respect and appreciation.
Preventive measures are of great importance for the protection of personal integrity in a respectful working and studying environment.
All persons in leading positions at the DBM are responsible for protecting the personal integrity in their areas of responsibility (i.e., their lab, their research group or their administrative team). All leaders are in charge of taking care of their personnel and to take the corrective measures if they become aware of a conduct or a pattern of behavior that is against any of the regulations of the University and/or the Hospitals.
Recommended Action / Reporting Process
In case that a person at the DBM experiences and/or observes any discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment, we call up to react and report the issue. The first point of contact should be the team leader, the research group leader or the supervisor.
It is important that any report and notification is taken seriously by the leader and with due respect towards the notifier.
Contact Persons
The Department of Biomedicine has identified various persons who act as first point of contact with a low threshold (See contact box below).
This allows us to hopefully solve problems before they escalate.
These persons can give more information on possible processes and ways of reporting and/or can connect you to the right persons.
At the institutional level, there are low-threshold offers at the University as well as at the Hospitals.
The Personal Integrity Coordination Office of the University, the Compliance Office of the University Hospital and the UKBB are tasked with supporting and safeguarding this respectful work culture.
They offer personalsupport for those affected, bystanders and persons responsible for leadership. To ensure protection of personal integrity, this office functions as an easily accessible, confidential and personal point of contact, offering advice and support for university staff and students whose personal integrity has been violated or for bystanders watching violations.
Various contact persons at the DBM have been identified (see box below).
Links University of Basel
- Code of Conduct: The Code of Conduct of the University of Basel contains 12 guidelines.
- Code of Conduct: Zusammenarbeitskultur und Werte an der Universität Basel
- Reglement zum Schutz der persönlichen Integrität an der Universität Basel
- Code of Conduct: collaborative working and values at the University of Basel
- Regulations on the protection of personal integrity at the University of Basel