

/ News, Other

For better leukemia therapies: spin-off Cimeio partners with pharmaceutical company Kyowa Kirin (Jeker Lab)

Start-up Cimeio Therapeutics intends to pave the way for gentler and more efficient treatments for diseases such as blood cancer. The company, a spin-off of the University of Basel, has just concluded an important collaboration agreement:…

/ News, People

Prestigious award for multiple sclerosis research: Sobek Foundation Award 2024 for Jens Kuhle (Clinical Neuroimmunology Lab)

The Sobek Foundation has honored outstanding achievements in multiple sclerosis (MS) research with its prestigious 2024 Award. The 100,000 Euro Sobek Research Prize, Europe’s most valued award for MS research, has been awarded to Prof. Dr.…
Valérie Hilgers receives an ERC Consolidator Grant

/ News, People

Valérie Hilgers receives prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant for groundbreaking neurogenetic research using fruit flies and mini-brains

The DBM is thrilled to announce that Valérie Hilgers, newly appointed Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology, has been awarded a prestigious Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). This highly competitive grant will…
(Image: AdobeStock)

/ News, Research

Multiple sclerosis drug may help with poor working memory (Papassotiropoulos Lab and de Quervain Lab)

Fampridine is currently used to improve walking ability in multiple sclerosis. A new study shows that it could also help individuals with reduced working memory, as seen in mental health conditions like schizophrenia or depression.
Dr. Mariana Borsa

/ News, People

SNSF Starting Grant awarded to Dr. Mariana Borsa at the Department of Biomedicine

How can we age healthier?