

/ News, Research

How immune cells recognize the abnormal metabolism of cancer cells (De Libero Lab)

When cells become tumor cells, their metabolism changes fundamentally. Researchers at the University of Basel and the University Hospital Basel have now demonstrated that this change leaves traces that could provide targets for cancer…

/ News, Other

Day of Immunology April 29th 2024

To celebrate the Day of Immunology 2024, we are bringing Immunology to the schools! Although the Day of Immunology itself falls on Monday 29th of April, practical scheduling and timetable issues mean that we cannot hold out planned event on…
Welcome to the Team - Anne Géraldine Guex

/ News, People

Welcome to the Team - Anne Géraldine Guex Lab!

Prof. Dr. Anne Géraldine Guex is a Nanoscientist by training and was appointed assistant professor in Oral Implantology in April 2023. Her lab is based at the University Center for Dental Medicine Basel, UZB, in Kleinbasel where she is…
Escherichia coli ©-Micronaut

/ News, Research

AntiResist receives second round of funding (Khanna Lab, Boeck Lab, King Lab, Zampieri Lab)

The National Center of Competence in Research "AntiResist" has successfully secured a second four-year grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation. This funding will enable the researchers to continue their crucial work in combating…

/ News, People

Blog with our Expert - Heinz Läubli

Meet Heinz Läubli from the Cancer Immunotherapy Laboratory at the Department of Biomedicine. One of his main research areas is the improvement of cancer immunotherapies. He is investigating the role of glycans and glycan-binding receptors…