

/ News, Research

New Blood Marker Provides Insight into MS Disease Activity (Kuhle Lab)

Nerve damage in multiple sclerosis can be detected via the concentration of neurofilament light chain in the blood. According to researchers from the University of Basel and University Hospital Basel, this neuron-specific protein provides…

/ News, Research

Congratulations to Ana Correia (former post-doctoral fellow of Momo’s lab) for winning the Pfizer Prize 2022 for her research.

Uni News

/ News, Research

The DBM congratulates Maud Wilhelm and Amandeep Kaur on their outstanding article

Maud Wilhelm and Amandeep Kaur's work (Hirsch Lab) was elected as one of the top 3 laboratory papers by the Scientific Board of the Swiss Transplant Society. Even more, it was voted as the Number 1 presentation at the 19th Annual Meeting…

/ News, Research

Professor Verdon Taylor: “We generate tiny brains in the Petri dish”

Professor Verdon Taylor from the Department of Biomedicine at the University of Basel studies the development of the brain from stem cells, including using animal-free methods. Here, he explains which research questions can be answered…

/ News, Research

Magnesium is essential for the immune system, including in the fight against cancer (Hess Lab)

The level of magnesium in the blood is an important factor in the immune system’s ability to tackle pathogens and cancer cells. Writing in the journal Cell, researchers from the University of Basel and University Hospital Basel have…