
/ News, Research
When the brain switches from hearing to listening (Rinaldi Barkat Lab)
What happens in the brain when simply hearing becomes listening? To answer this question, researchers at the University of Basel have traced the neuronal fingerprint of the two types of sound processing in the mouse brain.
/ News, People
Season’s Greetings by Andrea Ottolini and Ivan Martin

/ News, Research
Cancer cells may promote metastases and resistance to therapy, depending on their state (Christofori Lab)
A type of cell transformation known as EMT enables cancer cells to break away from the tumor and form metastases elsewhere. However, this process does not always take place in full. Researchers at the University of Basel have now been able…
Amerbach Prize awarded to Carolyn King
At the Dies Academicus, Carolyn King was awarded with the Amerbach Prize. The Amerbach Prize is awarded by the University of Basel annually to young academics for outstanding research and consists of a medal and a cash amount of 5000 Swiss…