
The Botnar Research Centre for Child Health (BRCCH)

/ Research

Georg Holländer (DBM) and Sai Reddy (D-BSSE) will head the new Botnar Research Centre for Child Health

DBM research group leader Georg Holländer will be the foundig director of the Botnar Research Centre for Child Health at the University of Basel and ETH Zürich.Uninews

/ Research, People

Sara Meyer receives SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship

The DBM congratulates PD Dr. Dr. Sara Meyer, who was awarded a SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship (  for her project "Mechanisms and targeting of oncogenic MAPK…

/ People

DBM research group leaders Peter Itin and Ivan Martin were elected to members of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences

The Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) Senate has elected Prof. Peter Itin as honorary member and Prof. Ivan Martin as member of the SAMS Senate. They will receive their certificate at the award ceremony on November 29, 2018. …

/ News, Research, People

The European Research Council awards Ivan Martin (DBM) and Filippo Rijli (FMI) one of the prestigious ERC Synergy Grants.

With their 5.3 Million Euro grant the interdisciplinary team led by Filippe Rijli (Friederich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research) and Ivan Martin aims to find out whether nasal cartilage cells, which have properties of neural crest…

/ News, Events, Doctorate/PhD

The DBM is hosting the first International PhD Course on Frontiers in Metastasis Biology.

The course is organized by Momo Bentires-Alj (DBM),  Anna Obenauf (IMP Vienna), and Sakari Vanharanta (MRC Cancer Unit, University of Cambridge). During the three days a group of 25 PhD students from the UK, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, the…