Events 2024
DBM Postdocs 2024 Apero
We’re excited to invite all DBM Postdocs to our Apero at the DBM Hebelstrasse garden
(in case of bad weather, we will be at the Coffee Room 2nd floor)
What’s on the Menu?
- Drinks 🍹
- Snacks 🥨
What Do You Need to Bring?
- Nothig! We’ll take care of everything!
Why Should You Join?
- Relax, unwind, and connect with fellow postdocs.
- Enjoy a laid-back evening filled with great conversations, good vibes, and delicious food.
- A perfect way to kick back before the academic year gets busy!
Don’t Forget to Sign Up! --> in this sheet
Workshop Funding Opportunities
Dates: June 6th (First Session) & June 13th (Second Session)
Time: 13:30 ~ 16:00
Location: DBM Mattenstrasse, Large Meeting Room, Groundfloor 0-025
Workshop Overview:
• The First Session, on June 6th, afternoon, will provide a comprehensive overview of available grants, essential tips for successful applications, and practical advice on crafting competitive proposals.
• The Second Session, on June 13th, afternoon is a follow-up discussion featuring grant evaluators and successful grantees, who will provide firsthand insights and experiences. This session will also include a Q&A for specific questions and proposal feedback.
Registration is required for the workshop. Also if you already had preregistered in the beginning of the year, please make sure to register using the following link:
We would like to encourage those who are currently writing a grant or planning to do so in the near future to participate. The first session is open to everyone interested, while the second session will be prioritize those actively writing a grant.
If you have any questions or would like to contribute to the workshop, please feel free to contact us at
Events 2023
Basel Postdoc Network 12th Annual Meeting
Personal Finance Course

Dear Postdocs,
Do you want to take control of your finances and secure your financial future? If so, then we have exciting news for you! The Postdoc Club is thrilled to present a four-day Personal Finance course that will take place on March 13th, 15th, 20th, and 22nd, from 8:15 am to 12:00 pm. And the best part? You can join us from the comfort of your own home via Zoom!
This comprehensive workshop will cover everything from the basics of financial education to making smart investments and planning for retirement. You will also learn about real estate purchases and how to make small purchases without breaking the bank. To learn more about the course and what it will cover, check out the information flyer attached to this email.
We understand that you have busy schedules, which is why we are making this course as accessible as possible. However, we do have limited spots available, so it will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to improve your financial literacy.
We are confident that this course will be extremely valuable and informative, and we cannot wait to see you there! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Events 2022
Basel Postdoc Network 11th Annual Meeting
Events 2021
Basel Postdoc Network 10th Annual Meeting

We are happy to announce that the registration is now open for our forthcoming 10th Anniversary Basel Postdoc Network Meeting, which was postponed from last year. The meeting will take place on the 13th – 15th of October 2021 at the Belle Epoque Hotel Victoria in Kandersteg. For more information, please visit our homepage and see the flyer.
Furthermore, we are happy to announce that we will host a Science Storytelling Workshop on the 12th October in Kandersteg for 10 participants of our Basel Postdoc Network Meeting, sponsored by Karger.
FYI: we are planning for a face-to-face meeting with all the necessary and effective covid-19 precautions related to the public gatherings.
Please register until 1st September and, be part of the special anniversary event, and please share the information with colleagues.
Basel Network Organizing Committee, 2021
Workshop Visual Communication
Dr. Jernej Zupanc ( will hold a 2 full days workshop online for us providing training and individual feedback on how to visualize your complex research ideas, and improve visual communication.
Events 2020
Workshop on leadership & project management
A good understanding of project management (PM) is essential in an academicsetting,where researchers are dealingwith a wide range of diverse tasks. Planning and managing days,weeks and month goes a longway in keeping academics organized and increasing their productivity.
Fundamentals of project management provides a comprehensive introduction to the management of projects executed by a single person. The coursewill provide an overviewof the theory and principles aswell as howto apply these principlesto a research project. Participantswill learn simple and effective toolsto define goals,structure tasks and milestones, anticipate setbacks and track their progress. While theworkshopwill intro- duce participantsto tools and software solutions, itwill focus on simple pragmatic approachesthatcan be implementedwithout having to buy and/orlearn a software, do notrequire a long set up time and can be adjusted easily. As part of the course, participantswill drawup a project plan for theirresearch project and collect feedback fromthe group.
TRAINER: Dr Thomas Teichler is a certified Co-active coach, trainer and consultant working on leadership, team development, communication & change management.
Happy Hour January 2020

The DBM Postdoc Club is excited to announce the first Postdoc Happy Hour of 2020 this Thursday January 23rd, at KaBar (Klybeckstrasse 1b) from 6:30 to 8 pm.
This is a great opportunity to meet other postdocs from the DBM in a friendly environment, to enjoy a free drink, and to learn more about the Postdoc Club activities (such as one of our next event: a 2 days’ workshop entitled "Lead Yourself – Fundamentals of project management”).
We are looking forward to see you all there.If you have any question, please, feel free to contact us:
The DBM Postdoc Club Committee
Events 2019
Summer Barbeque 2019

We invite all the Postdocs from the DBM to join us on July 19 at St. Johanns Park for the Summer Barbeque organized by DBM Postdoc Club!
This will be a great opportunity to meet the colleagues from all the DBM locations.
We will settle under the trees, in the part of the park closest to the tram stop St.Johanns-Tor (see the map).
The meeting time is 18:00 h.
Bring your own food.
Hope to see many of you!
Events 2018
Career Day 2018

Career Day 2016
The DBM Postdoc Club committee was pleased to announce the DBM Postdoctoral Career Day 2016 that was held on 23rd of September 2016 in the conference room of Actelion in Allschwil.
This event was a great opportunity to learn more about the path of a professorship with funding possibilities, to get insight in the variety of industry career options, as well as to learn the right networking skills.
We proudly welcomed the following presenters:
- Radek Skoda: Head of the Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel
- Primo Leo Schär: Vice Dean of Research, University of Basel
- Jean-Francois Ricci: Market Access Specialist and President&Principal at Wellmera
- Oliver Nayler: Scientist and Head Cardiovascular and Fibrosis Biology, Actelion Ltd
- Andreas Schöllhorn: European Patent Attorney at Latscha Schöllhorn Partner
- Ulf Grawunder: CEO from the start-up company NBE Therapeutics
- Ulrike Brandt-Bohne: Journalist, TV Moderator
- Volker Herdtweck: HR Marketing Manager Student and University Marketing, Roche
Furthermore, Susanne Matuschek from Matuschek Consulting instructed us how to network at conferences and meetings and to develop the right skills to boost your career development.