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Professor Carolyn King has been appointed as Professor of Infection Immunology


Prof. Dr. Carolyn King

She will take up her new position on 1 October 2022.

Carolyn King, born in 1975, received her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006. Research stays took her to the University of California, San Francisco and to Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, among others. Since 2008, she has worked at the University of Basel as a postdoctoral fellow as well as an Ambizione Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). She was also a visiting scientist at ETH Zürich’s Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering. In 2016, Carolyn King was appointed SNSF Professor and Group Leader at the Department of Biomedicine. For her research, the immunologist was awarded the Amerbach Prize of the University of Basel in 2021 and an ERC Consolidator Grant this year.


Research group