

/ News, Research

Cell therapy meets the very latest in gene editing: start-up Cimeio joins forces with Prime Medicine (Jeker Lab)

Gentler cell therapies for blood cancer and other serious blood diseases – this is the goal that Cimeio Therapeutics, a University of Basel spin-off, has set itself. The start-up has been able to make a great step forward together with a…

/ News, People

Professor Petya Apostolova has accepted her position as tenure-track Assistant Professor of Experimental Hematology

She will take up her new position on 1 November 2023. Professor Apostolova studied medicine at the University of Freiburg (Germany) with electives in Vienna, Sofia, and Basel. After finishing her doctorate in 2013, she completed her…

/ News, People

Professor Matthias E. Liechti has been appointed Clinical Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

He will take up his new position on 1 July 2023. Professor Matthias E. Liechti has been appointed Clinical Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Faculty of Medicine. This position will begin on 1 July 2023. Liechti has…
Portrait Mascha Binder

/ News, People

Welcome to the team - Mascha Binder Lab!

Prof. Dr. Mascha Binder`s research interests are focused on advancing the field of immunotherapy for solid tumors with a clear translational aim by testing compounds, treatment strategies, and biomarkers inspired by her own preclinical…

/ News, Research

Mechanisms behind aggressive cancer metastases uncovered (Bentires-Alj Lab)

Breast cancer spreading to other organs usually heralds a poorer prognosis. Researchers at the University and University Hospital of Basel have discovered a process that helps breast cancer cells implant themselves in certain places in the…