Research Groups

Apostolova Petya, Prof. Dr. med.Blood Cancer Biology and Immunotherapy
Banfi Andrea, PD Dr. med.Regenerative Angiogenesis
Barbero Andrea, Prof. Dr.Cartilage Engineering
Beltra Jean-Christophe, Ph.D.Immunobiology and Immunotherapy
Bentires-Alj Mohamed, Prof. Dr.Tumor Heterogeneity Metastasis and Resistance
Berger Christoph, PD Dr. med.Translational Immunology 
Bernsmeier Christine, Prof. Dr.Translational Hepatology
Binder Mascha, Prof. Dr. med.Translational Immuno-Oncology
Bischofberger Josef, Prof. Dr.Cellular Neurophysiology
Bodmer Daniel, Prof. Dr. med.Inner Ear Research
Boeck Lucas, Dr.Pulmonary Infection Biology
Brink Marijke, Prof. Dr.CardioBiology
Cichon Sven, Prof. Dr.Human Genomics
Cippà Pietro, Prof. Dr. med.Nephrology
De Quervain Dominique, Prof. Dr. Cognitive Neuroscience
Dixon Karen, Dr.Cancer Neuroimmunology
Derfuss Tobias, Prof. Dr. med.Clinical Neuroimmunology
Donath Marc, Prof. Dr. med.Diabetes Research
Filipowicz Sinnreich Magdalena, PD Dr.Liver Immunology
Finke Daniela, Prof. Dr.Developmental Immunology
Guex Anne Géraldine, Prof. Dr.Oral Implantology
Guzman Raphael, Prof. Dr. med.Brain Ischemia and Regeneration
Hartmann Karin, Prof. Dr. med.Allergy and Immunity
Heim Markus, Prof. Dr. med.Hepatology
Heinzelmann Viola, Prof. Dr. med.Ovarian Cancer Research
Hess Christoph, Prof. Dr. med.Immunobiology
Hirsch Hans H., Prof. Dr. med.Transplantation and Clinical Virology
Holländer Georg, Prof. Dr.Pediatric Immunology
Hutter Gregor, Prof. Dr. med.Brain Tumor Immunotherapy and Biology
Jacob Francis, PD Dr.Ovarian Cancer Research
Jeker Lukas, Prof. Dr.Molecular Immune Regulation
Kapfhammer Josef, Prof. Dr.Developmental Neurobiology and Regeneration
Kaufmann Beat, Prof. Dr. med.Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging
Keller Andreas, Prof. Dr.Neuroplasticity
Khanna Gremmelmaier Nina, Prof. Dr. med.Infection Biology
King Carolyn, Prof. Dr.Infection Immunology
Kuhle Jens, Prof. Dr. med.Clinical Neuroimmunology
Kuster Pfister Gabriela, Prof. Dr. med.Myocardial Research
Kyburz Diego, Prof. Dr. med.Experimental Rheumatology
Le Magnen Clémentine, Dr.Translational Genitourinary Cancer Research
Läubli Heinz, Prof. Dr. med.Cancer Immunotherapy
Liechti Matthias, Prof. Dr.Psychopharmacology Research
Mahfoud Felix, Prof. Dr. med.Translational Cardiology
Mariani Luigi, Prof. Dr. med.Brain Tumor Immunotherapy and Biology
Marsano Anna, PD Dr.Cardiac Surgery and Engineering
Martin Ivan, Prof. Dr.Tissue Engineering
Mehling Matthias, PD Dr. med.Translational Neuroimmunology
Mertz Kirsten, Prof. Dr. med.Pathology of Infectious and Immunologic Diseases
Müller-Gerbl Magdalena, Prof. Dr.Musculoskeletal Research
Navarini Alexander Prof. Dr.Skin Biology
Neutzner Albert, PD Dr.Ocular Pharmacology and Physiology
Niess Jan, Prof. Dr. med.Gastroenterology
Papassotiropoulos Andreas, Prof. Dr.Molecular Neuroscience
Pinschewer Daniel, Prof. Dr. med.Experimental Virology
Prasse Antje, Prof. Dr.Respiratory Research
Pröbstel Anne-Katrin, Prof. Dr. med.Experimental Neuroimmunology
Recher Mike, Prof. Dr. med.Immunodeficiency
Rinaldi Barkat Tania, Prof. Dr.Brain and Sound
Roider Elisabeth, PD Dr. med.Skin Biology
Schär Primo Leo, Prof. Dr.Genome Plasticity
Scherberich Arnaud, Prof. Dr.Bone Regeneration
Schwaller Jürg, Prof. Dr. med.Childhood Leukemia
Sinnreich Michael, Prof. Dr. med.Neuromuscular Research
Taylor Verdon, Prof. Dr.Embryology and Stem Cell Biology
Timper Katharina, Prof. Dr. med.Obesity Research
Trendelenburg Marten, Prof. Dr. med.Clinical Immunology
Treves Susan, Prof. Dr.Neuromuscular Research
Wymann Matthias P., Prof. Dr.Cancer- and Immunobiology
Zampieri Mattia, Prof. Dr.Systems Pharmacology and Biology of Metabolism
Zaugg Judith, Prof. Dr.Molecular and Computational Hematology-Immunology
Zippelius Alfred, Prof. Dr. med.Cancer Immunology
Zuniga Aimée, Prof. Dr.Developmental Genetics